Robotic Surgery

Pedicle screw based spinal surgery is the most commonly practised one in Spine Surgery Units. The rate of missed trajectories using traditional free-hand or Xray guided methods can be quite low when surgery is performed by a well trained experienced surgeon, as is the case in Nonetheless, this low rate can be as high as 3% in regular cases, but rises up to 15% in difficult anatomic scenarios like deformity patients. A malpositioned implant is sometimes uneventful, but in some cases it can harm neural structures, causing permanent sensitive or motor deficits.

The new technological era has brought safety to the field of Spinal Surgery with virtually navigated screw positioning. But a further step is robotic assisted implant positioning. This new technology lowers implant related complications well below 1% of implantations, and allows final position confirmation, intraoperatively, by computerized image fusion. is proud to announce the implementation of this technology, as a special Service, readily available for any case, but really worth and advisable for complex deformity surgery or patients under risky anatomical conditions.

Get an approximate quotation (no human intervention – no spam) and go for a Remote Examination. You will get a digitally signed medical report and your final estimate for surgery in SPAIN, with, under the highest European medical standards, in a hospital equipped with the latest technology. After examination, meet your doctor online for questions.