Dr. Ferrandez welcomes Dr. Akbarnia from the San Diego Center for Spinal Disorders and Marcy Rogers, CEO of SpineMark

Dr. Ferrandez welcomes Dr. Akbarnia from the San Diego Center for Spinal Disorders and Marcy Rogers, CEO of SpineMark

SpineMark, the Californian company for networking of spinal centers is trying to establish in Spain. Marcy Rogers forsees great business oportunities in the country, as northamerican regulations make it harder for medical device companies and doctors to develop new implants or techniques. Spain is an ideal environment in Europe for scientific trials, implant testing and medical tourism. Medical services meet the highest standards, local doctors are well trained and regulations allow for foreing doctors to practise under certain criteria.

Dr. Akbarnia was invited for a presentation and surgical discussion within the context of SpineMark's new venture in Spain. He talked about his recently tested magnetic growing rod for early onset scoliosis, as well as new approaches to spine deformities in elderly patients.